
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
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June 18, 2006  Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ 
                           FIRST READING:  
                           Ex. 24, 3-8  "This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you."
                           RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 
                           Ps.  116  "I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord."  or   "Alleluia."
                           SECOND READING:  
                           Heb. 9, 11-15  "The blood of Christ will purify our inner selves."
                           "Sing forth, O Zion, sweetly sing."   
                           GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:
                           Jn. 6: 51-58 "I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord;  if anyone eats this bread he will live for ever."
                           Mk. 14: 12-16, 22-26 "This is my body. This is my blood."
                           FOCUS: When we partake of the bread and wine of the Eucharist we  experience Christ within us as love, and light, and strength.
                           This is the food that nourishes our love of God.
                           REFLECTION:  My heaven is hidden in that small host where Jesus, my Spouse, hides out of love. In that divine home I find
                           life, and there, my tender Savior listens to me, night and day. What a happy moment  it is when,  in your tenderness, you
                           come, my Beloved, and transform me into you. This union of love, this unfathomable ecstacy, is my heaven!
                           St. Therese of Lisieux
                           APPLYING THE READINGS TO THE LITURGY: Just as Jesus multiplied food to feed his hungry followers,  so too does God
                           multiply our strength and talents through the Eucharist, giving us heightened capacity to nourish the lives around us.
                           Introductory Rite:
                           The Rite of Sprinkling with Holy Water: Make a connection between the Eucharist and the covenant made between God and us at
                           baptism.  Or 
                           Penitential Rite: Third, with sixth  set of  sample invocations.
                           General Intercessions:
                           Introduction: My sisters and brothers, let us allow ourselves to feel the love of God. (Stretch up, look up slightly, close
                           your eyes, and breathe deeply. Just for a moment.) 
                           Through this common prayer, let us  ask God  that the whole world perceive the love of Christ: 
                           ¥  For the Holy Church of God: that the Lord guide and protect it;
                           ¥ For all the peoples of the world: May the Lord guide us to peace and harmony;  
                           ¥ For all our sisters and brothers in need: May the Lord strengthen us, through his body and blood, to assist them;
                           ¥ For ourselves and our community: May we live in ways that please God.
                           Emphasize the liturgy of the Eucharist  through a special ritualized preparation of the Altar during the preparation of the
                           Preface: Second preface for the Holy Eucharist  
                           Singing the Eucharistic prayer can further emphasize this section as the central part of our Sunday gathering. Consider using
                           the second eucharistic prayer for children. This prayer is full of responses for the assembly and will involve the assembly
                           more deeply  in the liturgy.
                           Concluding Rite:    
                           Prayers over the People: Third or eighteenth
                           RCIA/Faith Formation
                             We may never understand God in this life, so the Eucharist is of paramount importance to us. It gives us the grace and
                           strength to believe something we cannot comprehend.  
                           Jesus’ followers were fed through the miracle of multiplying bread and fish. There was even food left over.
                           ¥ What connection can we make 
                           between this miracle and the 
                           The Eucharist is a source of hope, faith and encouragement to us who live in a difficult world and who practice a difficult
                           Beware, however, of letting hope become delusion. Delusion will always keep you from seeing God. 
                           Song suggestions:
                           O Bread of Life   PMB2,  WCH
                           Pan De Vida   (Hurd)    BB/MI, JS, S&S
                           Children’s Liturgy of the Word
                             A good meal is often associated with celebrations and we derive
                           much pleasure from sharing such a meal with each other. Discuss the idea that the liturgy contains the most important meal
                           of all:a meal that feeds our hearts and helps us to experience God in our lives. And it brings us together as a family of
                           An alternate theme could focus on God being like the leaven in bread, increasing our strength and capacities. God does not
                           change us into different people but helps us to refine and understand ourselves.
                           YOUTH GROUPS
                           Bread of Life (Fisher) BB,  S&S
                           Gather Us In (Haugen) BB, CBW III,
                           CVH, GC, GPCOMP, GTR, RS, WCH,  
                           W&S, WP
                           God, Beyond All Names (Farrell) BB, GC,
                           MI, RS, S&S
                           I Want to Praise Your Name (Hurd)     
                           BB, GC, GTR, S&S, WCH
                           Make Us a Eucharistic People VAO
                           HISPANIC HYMNS
                           A Tan Alto Sacramento CEL, CHCA, CPD
                           Al Partir el Pan CHCA, CPD, FYC
                           Cancion del Cuerpo de Cristo CHCA, CPD
                           Porque nos Invitas  CAN, CPD, FYC
                           Senor, Tu Eres el Pan CPD, PYC
                           Yo Soy el Pan de Vida CAN, CHCA, CPD  
                           SONG SUGGESTIONS
                           GATHERING SONG:
                           Alleluia! Sing to Jesus   BB/MI,  CBW III,   
                           CVH,  GC,  GPCOMP,   JS,  PMB,   RS,  
                           SS, S&S, SM, WCH, W&S
                           Anthem   (Conry)   BB/MI, GP, 
                           GPCOMP,  GTR, GC, G2, S&S
                           At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing  
                           ACH, BB, CBW III, CCH, CVH, SS, WP
                           Bless the Feast   (Hansen)   BB/MI, G2, GC, 
                           For You Are My God  (Foley)    BB/MI, 
                           CBW III, GP, GPCOMP, GC, S&S
                           Gather Us In  (Haugen)  BB/MI, CBW III,
                           CCH, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, GTR, GC, G2, 
                           RS, SM, SS, W&S, WCH, WP
                           God’s Holy Mountain  PMB2,  W&S
                           I Received the Living God CCH-453, GC-
                           851, LMGM-137 RS-913, W3-735  
                           Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
                           CCH, CVH, SS, WP
                           Lord Christ, the Father's Mighty Son 
                           (Wren) SS, WP3
                           Not by Bread Alone  (Reagan) G2-362, GC 
                           Pleni Sunt Coeli  (des Pres)  352-00025
                           Praise to the Lord   ACH,  BB,  CBW III,   
                           CCH, CVH, GC, HM, JS, PMB2, RS, SS, 
                           SM, WP
                           O Blessed Savior SM, WCH, W&S
                           O Lord, with Wondrous Mystery 
                           CVH,  PMB2, SS, SM, WCH
                           Priestly People (Deiss) PMB2, W&S, WCH
                           Seed, Scattered and Sown  (Feiten)   
                           BB, CCH, GTR, G2, GC, S&S
                           Shepherd of Souls BB,  CCH-447, GC, WP 
                           Song of Gathering (Haugen) GC, GTR, G
                           The Living Bread of God G2, GC
                           The Lord Jesus  (Norbet) BB, CBW III, S&S
                           You Are Our  Living Bread  (Joncas) 
                           BB, GPCOMP, S&S
                           RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 
                           Ps.  116  I will take the cup of salvation    
                           (Guimont) CCH, LP 
                           Ps.  116  I will take the cup of salvation      
                           (Schiavone) G2-125 
                           Ps.  116  I will take the cup of salvation     
                           (Smith) PARM A1
                           CORPUS CHRISTI SEQUENCE:
                           Ave Verum Corpus   (Faure)  G-4563
                           Ave Verum   (Saint-Saens)  362-41392
                           Ave Verum Corpus  (des Pres)  G-1533
                           Ave Verum Corpus  (Giles)  PPMO
                           Jesus, Word of God Incarnate  (Mozart) 
                           Very Bread  (Currie) G-2422
                           PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS:
                           At the Table of the World SM, SS, WCH, 
                           Because the Lord Is My Shepherd 
                           (Walker)   BB/MI, GTR, GC, HM,  JS
                           Behold the Lamb (Willett) BB, GC, G2, S&S
                           Come To Us  (Cooney) BB, GPCOMP, S&S
                           Earthen Vessels (Foley) ACH, BB, GP, S&S
                           God with Hidden Majesty  CCH, SS, WP
                           I Was Hungry  (Marchionda)  WLP, WCH
                           In Christ There Is a Table Set G2, GC, RS
                           In Remembrance of You SM, WCH, W&S
                           Let Us Be One   PMB2, W&S, WCH 
                           Look Beyond  (Ducote)   BB/MI,  GP,
                           GTR, GC, G2, RS, S&S
                           Lord, to Whom Shall We Go  (Joncas)  
                           BB/MI, GP, S&S
                           Manna in the Wilderness  (Englert) G-2107
                           Make Us a Eucharstic People W&S
                           Remember Your Love  (Dameans)    
                           BB, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, GC, G2, RS, S&S
                           Shepherd of Our Hearts (Chepponis)  
                           G2-598, G-1396
                           Taste and See  (Moore) CCH, GPCOMP, 
                           GTR, GC, G2, SS, W&S, WCH
                           Ubi Caritas  (Durufle)  312-41253
                           We Are Many Parts  (Haugen)  BB, CCH,
                           GC, GTR, G2, RS, SS, SM, W&S, WCH
                           Behold the Tabernacle of God  (Powell)   
                           Bread of Life  (Farrell)  BB/MI,  CBW III, 
                           GC, G2, JS, RS, S&S
                           Bread of the World  BB, CVH, SS
                           Bread to Share CCH, RS
                           Come, Taste and See (Becker) BB, S&S
                           Draw Near and Take the Body   BB,  CVH,
                           JS, SM, WCH, WP, W&S
                           Draw Near!  (Janco) 8567 WLP
                           Gift of Finest Wheat  Kreutz)  ACH,  
                           BB, CBW III, CCH, CVH, GC, HM, JS,  
                           PMB2, S&S, SS, SM, WCH,  WP
                           I Am the Bread of Life   (Toolan)   
                           ACH,   BB/MI,  CBW III,  GPCOMP, 
                           GTR, GC, G2, RS, SS, S&S, SM, W&S, 
                           WCH,  WP
                           I Am the Bread of Life (Englert) PMB2, 
                           I Am the Bread of Life / Yo Soy el Pan de 
                           Vida GC-828 
                           I Am the Living Bread  (Haas)  BB/MI,  
                           CBW III,  JS, S&S
                           Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence BB, HM
                           Let Us Break Bread Together  ACH,  CCH, 
                           GPCOMP,  PMB, SM, W&S,  WCH
                           O Bread of Life   PMB,  W&S
                           O Living Bread from Heaven  (Englert) 
                           O Living Bread from Heaven  (Matheny) 
                           Only This I Want  (Schutte)  BB, CBW III, 
                           GC,  G2, GP,  GPCOMP, RS, S&S
                           O Sacrum Convivium   (McMillan)  PPMO
                           One Bread, One Body  (Foley)   ACH, 
                           BB/MI,  GC,  GP,  GPCOMP,  GTR,  JS,  
                           RS,  S&S, WCH
                           Our Communion of Love SM, WCH, W&S
                           Our Daily Bread (Alstott) BB, S&S
                           Pan De Vida (Hurd) BB/MI, GC, G2, RS, 
                           S&S, WCH
                           Panis Angelicus  CCH, CVH, SS, WCH, 
                           Song of the Lord’s Supper   CCH, GTR, 
                           GC, G2, RS
                           Take and Eat (Joncas) CCH, GC
                           This Is My Body  CBW III, SM, SS, W&S, 
                           The Bread is One  (Peloquin)  G-1396
                           We, the Body of Christ   (Hillebrand) 
                           BB, GPCOMP, SM, W&S, WCH
                           When We Eat This Bread   (Joncas) 
                           BB, PMB2, SS, S&S
                           SONG OF PRAISE:
                           Jesus, Bread of Life  (Marchionda) 
                             PMB2, WCH
                           Jesus, Our Living Bread  BB, HM, S&S
                           Now We Remain (Haas) BB, GTR, G2, GC, 
                             RS, SS, SM, W&S, WCH
                           Our Blessing Cup  (Joncas) BB, CCH, GC, 
                              GP, G2, GPCOMP, GTR,  JS, S&S
                           See Us, Lord, about Your Altar   ACH,   
                             BB/MI, CBW III, CVH, PMB2, SM, WCH
                           Song of Thanksgiving  (Joncas)   BB/MI,
                             GPCOMP, S&S
                           That There May Be Bread  (Norbet)   
                             BB/MI,  GP, S&S
                           Ubi Caritas  (Berthier)  GC, G2, GTR,  
                             G-2586, TAIZE II,  WP
                           We Remember  (Haugen)  ACH,  BB, CCH,
                             GC, GTR, G2, RS, SS, SM, W&S, WCH
                           CLOSING SONG:
                           All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 
                             ACH, BB/MI, CCH, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, 
                             HM, JS, PMB, RS, SM, SS, WCH, WP
                           All Who Hunger G2, GC, RS
                           Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether RS. WP
                            Glory and Praise to Our God  (Schutte) 
                             BB/MI,  GC,  GP,  GPCOMP,  GTR,  JS,  
                             RS, S&S
                           God, Our God of Distant Ages   PMB2, 
                             WCH, W&S
                           Hold Me in Life  (Huijbers, Oosterhuis)   
                             BB/MI,  CBW III,  GC, G2, GTR,  JS, S&S
                           I Am the Vine  (Miffleton)  PMB2, SS
                           I Received the Living God CCH, GC
                           I Will Not Die   (Conry)   BB/MI, GC, G2, 
                             GTR, S&S
                           In Christ There Is No East or West  
                             BB, CBW III, CCH, CVH, GC,  GPCOMP, 
                             JS, PMB2, RS, SM, SS, W&S, WCH, WP
                           Jesus, the New Covenant   (Deiss)  PMB2
                           Lift High the Cross    BB/MI,  CBW III,
                             CCH, CVH, PMB, SS, SM, WCH, WP
                           Lift Up Your Hearts  (O'Connor)  BB, CCH, 
                             GP,  GPCOMP, GC, G2,  GTR, S&S
                           Now In This Banquet GTR, G2, GC, RS
                           Now Thank We All Our God    ACH, 
                             BB,  CBW III,  CCH, CVH, GC, HM, JS, 
                             RS, SS, S&S, WCH, W&S  
                           Praise to You, O Christ Our Savior  
                             (Farrell)   BB/MI,  CBW III, GC,  GTR,  JS,  
                             RS, S&S
                           Sent Forth by God’s Blessing   BB/MI, 
                             PMB2, SM, W&S, WCH
                           We Know and Believe (Glover) G2, GC

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